IMDT Enrollment Agreement

The Institute of Medical and Dental Technology

5280 Summerlin Commons Way Suite #801

Fort Myers, FL 33907

(239) 208-7290


Course Name: Program Name:  

Admission Representative:  


Full Name:

Street Address:

City: State:    

Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Social Security Number:  

Birth Date:  

Emergency Contact Name:  

Emergency Contact Phone Number:  

Orientation Start Date:  

Start Date:  

Program Anticipated End Date:  

Program Type: Certificate        Delivery Method: Campus

Total Clock Hours: 288              Total Weeks: 16



Scholarship Type: Institutional Scholarship

Scholarship Amount: $ 

By initialing below you are accepting the scholarship(s) awarded and understand any and all scholarships provided by IMDT are based off of individual qualifications at the time of application and are between the recipient and said institution.


By initialing below you are acknowledging you have read the and understand this agreement and acknowledge receipt of a copy. You understand the awarded scholarship cannot be transferred to another institution or person and some may only apply to certain offered programs. You are also required to maintain full time enrollment and minimal academic standards per the student catalog. You understand that if you default upon this agreement, the awarded scholarship will be revoked and you will be responsible for any and all fees set by any and all financial lenders.




Method of Payment:  

Program Cost:

Please Choose one of the Following:  


Please Fill out the following if applicable:

Annual Percentage Rate:% Finance Charge: $ Amount Financed (the dollar amount the credit provided to you on your behalf): $ Total of Payment (the amount you will have paid after you have made all payments as scheduled): $ Total Sales Price (the total cost of your purchase on credit including your down payment): $


You Payment Schedule will be:


Number of Payments: Amount of Each Payment: $ Payments are due: Beginning on  and on the same day each (select one) thereafter


Access Code & E-Book                                            $ 200
Name Tag                                                                 $ cost varies (paid to school)
CPR, TB, Hep B & Uniform                                      $ cost varies (estimated)
Online Technology Requirements                            $ cost varies (see catalog)
Dental Teeth Fee (If Applicable)                               $ 80  (paid to school)
Florida State Radiation Certification (If Applicable)  $ 35 (see catalog)




Please Check ONE of the Follwing:

If Access Code is included in Financing please select the amount:  


Please read this Enrollment Agreement thoroughly as you are agreeing to the following:


I, Undersigned, do hereby give my consent and agree the IMDT employees have the right to take photographs, videotape, or digital recordings of me to use in any and all media outlets. I further consent that my name and identity may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or commentary. I understand there will be no financial or other forms of remuneration for any of the above, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback. I represent I am at least 18 years of age, have read and understand the foregoing statement, and am competent to execute this agreement.



To be in compliance with OSHA standards on bloodborne pathogens, each student must be informed of the mandatory Universal Precautions in all healthcare settings. These standards and precautions are included and covered in detail within the courses. This must be completed by the student prior to externship eligibility. It is also required that students be informed and encouraged to begin the Hepatitis B vaccine series. However, you may decline vaccination at this time. Students are required to read and sign the Hepatitis B Statement of Informed Consent prior to placement in an externship facility. Students will be required to meet all OSHA requirements on the externship. In addition, each individual facility may have some variation of these rules and regulations and it is the student’s responsibility to obtain a copy of these rules and regulations at that externship site. Those regulations set forth by that facility, must also be met by the student.



IMDT students are responsible for:

  1. Reading this student information sheet and following the guidelines.
  2. Identifying the appropriate contacts on campus and at externship sites.
  3. Paying for all expenses either through their own health insurance or other personal means associated with testing, medications, and related costs.
  4. Providing medical expenses to include blood work requested of source patients.

If you experienced a needle stick or sharps injury or were exposed to the blood or other body fluid of a patient/student during the course of your extern/study, immediately follow these steps:

  • Wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water
  • Flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water
  • Irrigate eyes with clean water or saline
  • Report the incident to your instructor
  • Refer to exposure control plan and fill out exposure report form
  • Students should have appropriate initial laboratory tests if needed per current CDC guidelines performed as soon as they can get and appointment but no later than the next business day

Students are not an employee of the school ; therefore, they are not eligible for worker’s compensation benefits (although they may be required to complete similar paperwork to document the details of the exposure). The student will be responsible for the cost of their care, either through their own health insurance or other personal means. All source patients are encouraged to have blood work as designated by the CDC protocol current at the present time (presently HCV antibody, HIV antibody, and Hepatitis B surface antigen). The student requesting the blood work may be held responsible for the cost of treatment for the source patient.

Students will be directed to have source patient information available for their discussion with the appropriate personnel at the outside facility, if available, concerning the exposure:

  • Approximate time of exposure
  • Location of exposure (e.g., school, medical or dental office, etc.)
  • Source of the exposure (e.g., blood, contaminated instrument, etc.)
  • Type of exposure (e.g., skin, mucous membrane percutaneous)
  • Length of exposure (e.g., seconds/minutes/hours)
  • Status of the source patient: Negative, Positive, or Unknown HIV, HBV, and HCV status
  • Whether or not patient is at risk for HIV,HBV, or HCV infection because of:
    • Multiple blood transfusions 1978-1985
    • IV drug user
    • Multiple hetro- or homosexual partners
    • Known HIV positive and/or have symptoms of AIDS, HBV or HCV
    • Significant blood or bodily fluid exposure has occurred

IMDT will not be held responsible nor pay expenses incurred from student exposure, to include needle sticks. IMDT recommend students seek medical treatment if necessary and to follow the treatment protocol advised from the medical facility at the expense of the student. Students assume their responsibility upon enrollment as there are risks associated with study and employment in the healthcare field.



I will keep all patient information confidential. I will disclose patient information in accordance with the policies of the facility that I am assigned to during my student externship experience. Furthermore, I understand and agree to comply with the guidelines set forth by HIPAA.

I will not discuss any information, patient-related or relating to the operations of the facility to include my own health record if applicable. I will keep all security codes and passwords used to access the facility, equipment and computer systems confidential.

I will access or view patient information only as it is required in the scope of my student experience to include my own health record if applicable.

I will not disclose, copy, transmit, modify or destroy patient information or other confidential practice information without the permission of my supervisor or the practice’s privacy officer.

I agree to comply with these conditions even after my student externship experience is terminated.

I understand violation of this agreement may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination from the externship and dismissal from my program. My signature on this agreement indicates that I, a student of IMDT have read, understand and will comply with all aspects of this confidentiality agreement.



Students must adhere to conduct that will not interfere with the learning process of any other student, teacher,externship site, or the progress of the class in general. Those students whose conduct reflects discredit upon themselves or the school will be subject to immediate expulsion. The IMDT reserves the right to exercise judgment of a student and to terminate a student for any of the following reasons:

  • Breach of the school enrollment agreement, Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of any clinical site, Entering school grounds or externship site while under the influence of any type of, Alcohol or drugs , Possession of a dangerous or deadly weapon concealed or otherwise, Instigation, or participation in, rebellious activities against the school or its students, Solicitation which reflects unfavorably upon the school or its students, Failure to conform to the rules and regulations of the school, Conduct that reflects unfavorably upon the school or its students, Excessive absences or tardiness at campus or externship, Failure to pay charges when due, Cheating, Falsifying school records, Written or verbal profanity on campus/externship grounds, Vandalism of campus property, Disruptive classroom behavior, Physical threats of any nature, or Theft of any kind.

First Offense:
Behavior- The student is issued a written warning. A copy is kept in student’s file.
Academic- The student must redo or modify the assignment or exam at a 30% penalty, if student refuses to redo a zero will be earned.
Second Offense:
Behavior- The student must meet with the Program or Campus Supervisor to determine a course of action. A plan of action and/or incident report will be placed in student’s file.
Academic- The student will receive a zero on the item in question. No redo’s allowed.
Third Offense:
Behavior or Academic- The student will be expelled. Written documentation will be placed in student’s file.
When a student is determined to be guilty of academic or behavioral misconduct, the instructor will determine if a prior offense exists. Offenses accumulate during the students’ academic program(s). If prior incidents have occurred they will impact the current offense. Misconduct incidents may merit immediate expulsion and no warnings will be given, dependent on severity and outcome. IMDT strive to graduate only the upmost professional medical and dental assistants.

By signing this agreement you agree to having read and fully understand the expectations as a student at IMDT regarding misconduct.



IMDT is committed to providing a safe and professional work environment for our students, volunteers, faculty and staff while on campus or at a clinical affiliation.

All students must be physically and mentally free of illegal drugs, alcohol, and prescription drugs that impair their intellectual and emotional functions. Some clinical affiliations (externships) require students to complete drug screening and/or a background check prior to clinical placement, or during if suspect of drug use. A positive drug screen may exclude you from clinical placement, graduation, and may warrant dismissal from the school.

Without exception, any student found in possession of these substances or a student is suspected of being under the influence of these substances (alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs) the Instructor and/or the Campus Supervisor will ask the student to leave the facility and immediately be drug tested at the student’s expense. Results are to be faxed directly to the instructor and must be received within 24 hours of being dismissed. The results will only be shared with the Instructor, Campus Supervisor and Education Director.

A positive test, failure or refusal to complete requested drug testing will result in automatic dismissal from the program. In the event of a positive test result, resources will be made available to the student to assist in counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation. Any student wishing to re-enroll after a positive drug screen or refusal to submit to testing must comply with an immediate drug screen upon admittance and is subject to random drug screening during their program at the student’s own expense. Any further positive test results or refusal will be cause for expulsion without option to re-enroll.



By signing the agreement you are agreeing to the following; I am currently enrolled as a Dental or Medical student at The Institute of Medical and Dental Technology. I have been informed and understand that due to my possible exposure to blood and other potentially infectious substances, I may be at risk of acquiring TB, Hepatitis B, HIV infection or other infectious contagions.

I have been advised that vaccination for Hepatitis B is available through any local physician and is recommended by IMDT and the instructors therein. I understand that Hepatitis B is a serious disease.

I (medical student) have been advised that I am required to obtain TB testing before I may begin the skills portion of my medical education. Dental students have been advised that the school also recommends TB testing before beginning the skills portion of the dental program.  

I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about inoculation and risks involved in receiving the vaccines and in declining vaccination. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that IMDT is not responsible for my attaining vaccinations or liable in the event that I should contract any contagion during my education. I understand my externship site may request records before attendance, and I am responsible for obtaining them in a timely manner.

(Any late fee payments and conditions thereof must be disclosed on the enrollment agreement and in the catalog)

All prices for program are printed herein. Contracts are not sold to a third party at any time. There are no carrying charges, interest charges, or service charges connected or charged with any of these programs unless stated. 


Should a student's enrollment be terminated or canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund schedule:

  1. Student must provide written notice of cancellation/withdrawal by electronic submission to or by termination.
  2. All monies will be refunded if the school does not accept the applicant or if the student cancels within three working days after signing the enrollment agreement and making initial payment.
  3. Cancellation after the third working day, but before orientation, will result in a refund of all monies paid.
  4. Cancellation after orientation, and attendance, have begun, THROUGH 40% completion of the program, will result in a Pro Rata refund computed on the number of weeks enrolled to the total program length.An admission and registration fee of $150 will be charged, which will be deducted from any refund amounts.
  5. Cancellation after completing MORE THAN 40% of the program will result in no refund.
  6. Termination Date: When calculating the refund due to a student, the last date of actual attendance of the program by the student is used in the calculation unless earlier written notice was received.
  7. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination of the student's enrollment or receipt of a Cancellation Notice from the student.



A student’s enrollment can be terminated at the discretion of the institution for insufficient academic progress, non-payment of academic costs, or failure to comply with rules and policies established by the institution as outlined in the catalog and this agreement.


Upon execution of this agreement the IMDT catalog, which contains information describing programs offered, will be electronically delivered to you on the date of this agreement. The date executed is .




If over the age of 18 years please move forward with the agreement.

If checked please print the document after completion and have Parent or Guardian Sign below.



Parent/Guardian Signature

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Document name: Enrollment Agreement
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Timestamp Audit
August 19, 2022 2:17 pm GMTEnrollment Agreement Uploaded by Greg Goins - [email protected] IP
August 19, 2022 2:18 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
September 22, 2022 12:49 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
November 1, 2022 12:25 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
December 30, 2022 1:19 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 3, 2023 1:12 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 10, 2023 8:06 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 20, 2023 1:16 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 20, 2023 1:18 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 28, 2023 7:08 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
March 29, 2023 4:21 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
September 6, 2023 3:26 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2600:1700:7b18:ec90:2cc0:6699:63d7:e71c
December 5, 2024 6:29 pm GMTIMDT Documents - [email protected] added by Greg Goins - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: